The trade association also promotes the maintenance of the balance sheet divisibility of biogas.
Biogas is attracting more attention from politicians, but unfortunately not from the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Biogas should be recognised as a serious instrument in the energy transition.
Lawyer Phipp Wernsmann noted that participation in the tender only makes economic sense if the plant has an optimised heating concept. If the tender volumes and the maximum bids are not increased, he fears that plants that were built at great expense with the EEG will be dismantled.
§ Section 10 (2) of the BioKraft-NachVO allows for balance sheet divisibility. The EU has decided that the product groups cannot be separated. This has a negative impact on cash flow planning. The NawaRo share can then not be used for own energy supply and the power plant sector. A legal clarification is being worked out here.
René Walter, lawyer and employee of Planet, spoke on the topic of gas grid connection. Gas grid access is subsidised. Obligations and costs are shifted to the gas network operator. Transport is subsidised via the Gas Grid Access Ordinance.
Gerrit Körner, energy consultant from Wesseling, spoke on the subject of funding opportunities for biogas plants. He described the following funding pots: fnr expires on 30.06.2024. The federal subsidy for heating networks is back on. BAFA Module 4 should be examined for the conversion from electricity generation to biogas upgrading. Mr Körner pointed out that the measure may only be started after funding has been approved. This can be remedied by starting the measures early. His consulting approach went beyond subsidy consulting. He presented various configurations that optimise the yield and amount of funding.
In a very exciting presentation, Schulze Lefert explained that the electricity and heating market will remain the most important consumer of biogas in the medium term. He impressively described the conflict of objectives between the climate protection targets and the current EEG and explained that the German government will only be able to achieve the climate protection targets if it increases the bid levels in the upcoming tenders and further adjusts the maximum bid levels. The difference between the northern and southern quotas is now 0.5 ct, and the trend is rising. This is due to the oversubscription in the north, while the south has not reached the bid amounts.